Products and Services

  • ListOnce + DataOnce
  • Website Powering APIs
  • Specialist Multiloading
  • Dataflow Solutions
  • DataOnce
  • Website Design & Development
  • High-traffic Portals
  • Monthly Service Agreements
  • Website Hosting
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • Help Desk

ListOnce + DataOnce

Listings, Leads & Data Management Solution

Proptech, data and integrations experts

Use any Web Developer and CMS

We assist any Developer you choose with versatile Website Powering APIs and Webhooks etc

Leading-edge Functionality

Utilising the flexible ListOnce APIs including 'ExtraFields' for your unique listing display requirements

CRM and Proptech agnostic

We integrate with all Sales CRMs, P/M platforms and other proptech suppliers

Integrations Hub

ListOnce integrates with everything as your essential 'data plumbing'

Fast, reliable and secure

Now over 7 million listings processed and displayed on hundreds of high-traffic websites and portals

Support & Helpdesk

Competent and efficient, Australian-based Support staff for your team


REIP members receive a 10% discount on ListOnce services,
plus free ‘AdTracker’ (see brief product video below).

Noting also that REIP membership is free for all agencies.

We’ve been using ListOnce Website Powering within our websites for many years now due to its flexibility and versatility in how we want to display and utilise listings data on our website. The ListOnce team are proficient and keep enhancing their products and integrations for the benefit of our agents and customers

Jamie Owen
COO, Nelson Alexander

Website Powering APIs

  • Leading-edge property search engine on your website including natural language search (AI)
  • Any size/design website powered by the ListOnce property search engine APIs with all your own branding
  • Leading-edge functionality including full property search criteria, property results, property details page, email a friend, contact an agent, property alerts etc.
  • ListOnce works seamlessly with your preferred website Content Management System (CMS), including office and agent updates, testimonials, newsletters, feature listings etc
  • Customisable Stocklists, Property Slideshow, Interactive Floorplans, Advertising/listing metrics and reporting etc
  • Bullet-proof reliability providing you with peace of mind with regard to your website listings and functionality
  • Dedicated, Australian-based Help Desk support ph 1300 655 448 or
  • Low, monthly flat fee for unlimited listings
  • We have deployed ListOnce for numerous large franchise groups, prestige/boutique groups and independents
  • Maximum flexibility - our Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) ensure all other elements of your website(s) work together seamlessly, no matter who builds and maintains your site eg. your website is state-of-the-art, risk and future-proof

Specialist Multiloading

  • Save considerable time and money, and reach more prospects with our industry award-winning, CRM-agnostic, single data entry Multiloading to all major portals, any websites and other suppliers
  • Multiload an unlimited number of listings (any type) to an unlimited number of portals (including several free portals we set-up for you) and other required destinations - any time of the day
  • Unlimited Residential, Commercial and Business listings
  • Bullet-proof reliability regarding your uploading and reporting, providing you with peace of mind
  • Custom branded and automated ‘AdTracker’ alerts for all listing stakeholders
  • Consolidated leads and error reporting for the major portals
  • Leads Management module including integration with all major CRMs and Property Management platforms
  • Flexibility in the utilisation of your listings and Sold data
  • Dedicated, Australian-based Help Desk support ph 1300 655 448 or
  • Low, monthly flat fee for unlimited listings
  • We have deployed ListOnce for numerous large franchise groups, prestige/boutique groups and independents

Dataflow Solutions

  • You can enjoy the benefits of ListOnce Premium Multiloading and/or Website Powering APIs whilst using any CRM or Property Management software of your choice eg. we provide seamless integration with any industry suppliers
Dataflow Diagram


  • DataOnce makes volume data management easy for multi-office real estate and property groups
  • Real estate groups have tens or even hundreds of data sources constantly streaming into their organisation and office network. If you feel like you’re drowning in data, spreadsheets and disparate dashboards (see relevant study from Oracle here 'Ever-growing' data stream...), and want to differentiate the signal from the noise, we’d love to help
  • Our data aggregation hub can be used in conjunction with any CRM system - or even multiple CRMs and Property Management platforms operating within your organisation - and can help you tame your volume data
  • Plus it incorporates your proptech integrations and third-party apps so all of your data is being managed in one place, in line with your business requirements
  • DataOnce helps you as a real estate group or executive:
    • Secure more new customers and deliver better customer experiences through stronger data insights and subsequent decision-making
    • Decide how you want to aggregate, refine and transfer your data (via APIs, XML and webhooks etc), so less data worries
    • Reduce double-handling, streamline your data management in real-time, and improve your reporting
    • Join the dots between the multitude of proptech platforms and data sources operating across your organisation so that everything works together seamlessly
    • Establish a central source of truth for various data sets - especially aggregated listings, leads and sold/leased data - which is especially useful if you have multiple CRMs and platforms operating within your network
    • Extract the most value from your existing data and technology investments
    • Manage your own data efficiently and with greater privacy and security (in line with best practice principles) so you and your agents, offices and clients are all safer

We are data complexity busters and look forward to assisting as your specialist real estate
Digital and Data Management partner

WebIT and ListOnce have been pivotal to Barry Plant’s Complete Digital strategy.

Today more than ever it’s essential for businesses to be in a position to rapidly adapt and evolve.

WebIT’s suite of API’s and technology supports an integration strategy that ensures we have access to the best of breed complementary products and services essential for success in the real estate industry.

DOUG HUTCHINSON General Manager Operations
Barry Plant

Website Design & Development

  • We know how critical a great website is for the marketing success of any company, but particularly for property companies and real estate agencies who rely so heavily on effective digital marketing for enquiries and lead generation
  • WebIT are undisputed experts in property and real estate website design, development and maintenance, with over 20 years specifically serving the Australian industry. We have built over 150 websites and several high-traffic portals. View our portfolio
  • Leading-edge development, functionality and responsive design (automatically re-sizes for all devices)
  • Including Content Management System (CMS), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Integration (SMI)
  • Custom and template options to suit your needs and budget
  • The best, competitive prices, from the most experienced real estate website developers in the industry
  • Stylish and effective Individual Agent Websites ('IAWs') and Individual Property Websites ('IPWs') also available

Some examples of our award-winning Website work;

On behalf of Highland Property, we would like to thank WebIT for all of their great work, and especially over the last 2 weeks to get the new website live on time.

The swift response times are greatly appreciated.

We are delighted with our new website and the service provided by WebIT. Thank you.

LUKE FRANKLIN IT Consultant & Website Manager

High-Traffic Portals

  • WebIT are undisputed experts in developing, launching and maintaining high-traffic real estate portals, utilising the ListOnce state-of-the-art portal software
  • Can be customised and deployed quickly and efficiently
  • Highly proficient, Australian-based Technical and Help Desk services optional

Some examples of our leading-edge portal work;

Monthly Service Agreements (MSAs)

  • Our Monthly Service Agreements (MSAs) allow you to nominate a set amount of retained hours per week/month, in line with your tasks, projects and budget
  • We then provide our specialist design, development and technical maintenance services with:
    • highest priority service e.g. you always ‘jump the queue’ and/or receive critical incident response times
    • highly qualified and experienced developers (both front-end and back-end)
    • priority service KPIs
    • flexibility to scale-up or scale-down your hours
    • preferential, discounted rates

Website Hosting

  • Bullet-proof reliability and ‘up-time’ for over 100 current customers of all sizes
  • For larger, multi-office and franchise accounts we scope and quote on your specific traffic, speed and hosting requirements
  • For larger accounts we can provide Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Server solutions
  • Optional Staging and Testing Servers for increased risk management and business continuity

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engines i.e. you absolutely need to rank highly on Google
  • We’re experts in providing analysis and development work with regard to Structural & Technical SEO
  • An initial review by our specialists can provide you with an SEO Analysis Report, with issues and recommendations
  • We can then provide ongoing SEO refinement on a monthly basis, in line with the ever-evolving nature of Google penalties and incentives
  • A monthly SEO Summary Report including Google Analytics (GA) and will ensure your website remains as prominent as possible

Help Desk

  • We provide a highly proficient, Australian-based help desk for all of our ListOnce customers
  • In addition, we also provide Level 1 and Level 2 Help Desk services on a outsourced, contracted basis to our clients eg. to facilitate your own, professional help desk

PhonePh 1300 655 448


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